September 20, 2015


This week we have carried out some more light experiments.

We pulled the curtains in the whare kai to make it dark.
Next we  aimed our torches at the blank side of a CD.
We found that a rainbow reflected onto the white wall.
The white light from the  torch is made up of seven colours. The CD separates the white light into the seven colours. They then reflect onto the wall. 
A CD is made of aluminium and is covered with a clear coat of plastic. There are ridges in the metal which the light reflects off.

We also put a mirror in a shallow tray of water and saw again the colours of the rainbow reflected on our ceiling.


  1. Wow that looks very interesting. Did you try this experiment outside with a hose and sunlight to see if you can get the right angle to make a rainbow too?

    1. We will try that this week if we have a sunny day!

  2. That's very interesting Zara.Have fun.
    that is some experiment.
    from Nanny

  3. cool cd rainbows everyone. Franky, Archie and Daddy.
