May 28, 2015

Our Bush Walk

We are learning about our New Zealand Native bush. Last week we walked the Paihia lookout walk which begins at the end of School Road.

Here is some writing we did after the walk.

As we entered the bush it was fantastic. We saw lots of awesome trees. I heard a tui swooping through the trees. It landed on a branch. I saw lots of native trees. One of the trees was a lancewood. There were lots of epiphytes  growing high in the tallest trees. There were lots of five finger trees. The tallest trees were spreading above us.
I walked on the  track. I saw a tui. I saw some epiphytes growing on other trees.

We saw birds in bushes. People at the back were noisy and made the birds fly away. We saw epiphytes growing on other trees.We walked up  some stairs. Finally we made it to the  top.

Room 2 and Room 3 walked in the native bush.  We saw some lancewood. Mum and I saw a kereru. We saw a prickly totara tree. I looked at the canopy first then the bush floor.

I saw some native trees in the forest. I saw some fantails in the  bush. I saw some epiphytes on another tree.


We walked into the bush and I saw lots of different trees. As we walked further I started to run. I saw a lancewood and some epiphytes too. I stopped at the top. It was awesome.

On Wednesday we all walked to the lookout at the top of a hill. We all found different trees. Some had epiphytes growing on them. I saw rimu. They were bigger than my Dad. As we stepped up the stairs we saw lots of trees. There were big and small fungi on a log. There was a stream  by the path with stones in it.


We saw some native trees. We saw epiphytes and totara trees. We saw ferns in the bush. We walked up the hill.


We walked along the track. I saw lancewood trees. I also saw plants growing on another tree. I saw a vine and Mrs Davies took a photo of it.

We walked in the bush. I saw some trees in the forest. Some trees had prickly leaves. We saw some vines hanging down.

On Wednesday Room 2 and 3 walked up in the bush. We saw a kereru flying around . The trees canopy spread across the sky. We saw some piwakawaka. Our voices were scaring the birds away. We saw some rimu and silver ferns.



May 14, 2015


         This week we have talked and written about Autumn

Leaves tumbling from the trees
Red, gold, orange, yellow, brown.
Bare trees 
Piles of leaves to jump in                                 
Crunching under my feet.

The leaves are falling off trees
Red, orange, yellow, gold and brown.
They are tumbling down onto the ground
Making piles for children to play in.
Bare trees have no leaves.

Long nights, shorter days
Leaves changing colour
Yellow, red, orange, gold, brown.
Tumbling leaves
Spinning to the ground
Leaves making piles for the children to play in.        



I like the leaves falling because I can jump in them.
Orange, yellow and gold leaves crumbling under my feet,
Making a mat on the grass.

The trees are losing their leaves
Leaves are falling
They are changing colour
Yellow, crimson, gold, red, orange.
We jump in them,
People have to rake them up.

The leaves are falling off the trees
The leaves are red, orange, yellow and brown.
I jump in the leaves.
It gets cold. People start to wear scarves and beanies.


Leaves falling down
Red, orange, yellow and brown.
The leaves make a carpet.
Children  jump in the leaves,
The leaves are crunching under my feet.
The leaves are falling off the trees
Red and orange
Spinning to the ground.

May 8, 2015

Anzac Day

We learned about World War 1. Mrs Davies read us the story about Simpson and his donkey.
Jack Simpson was  a famous Australian soldier. He carried wounded soldiers on his donkey. He rescued over 300 men at Gallipoli before sadly being killed himself.

We compared the food we eat in a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner with the food the soldiers had to eat. They ate bully beef and hard biscuits.
Every class put together some crosses, which we put altogether to remember the people who lost their lives in World War 1.

We made some delicious Anzac biscuits.


Here is the recipe if you would like to make some.

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup desiccated coconut
125 grams butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1. Mix together the oats, flour, sugar and coconut in a bowl.
2. Mix the butter, golden syrup and water in a saucepan over a medium heat. (We did it in the microwave instead.
3.Once the butter has melted, stir in the bicarbonate of soda.
4. Pour the heated mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix well.
5. Put teaspoons of the mixture onto a greased oven tray or a tray lined with baking paper.
6. Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for  about 15 minutes.
7. Once golden, leave them to cool. Then ENJOY!


In Geometry this term we are learning to sort, compare and group shapes. We are also learning to describe shapes.

Joshua, Franky and Mere took an i pad each outside and took these photos of different shapes they could find in our school.