September 22, 2016

Growing Pumpkins - Explain Everything screenshot

Ryan read the book 'Growing Pumpkins'. He used information he read in the text to make this chart showing us how to grow pumpkins.

September 15, 2016

Spring writing on Pic Collage

    We have used Pic Collage to do some writing about Spring. We have tried to use descriptive words.      




September 12, 2016

Using Pic Collage to practise our blend sounds.

Today we  learned to use Pic Collage and at the same time we practised some blends which we use in our writing and reading.
Amelia & Kamo
Ryan & Pharell

Tea & Yazmin
              Thea & Bailey

Zayed & Fern
Aaron & Ondreous
Ayanda & Tiana

September 3, 2016


We have been very lucky over the last four weeks to take part in the SNAG "Starting New At Golf" programme learning golf skills with Paul. We have learned many new skills. You may hear us calling out SNAG in the video. We had to say SNAG whenever we hit the target. Maybe we could practise these skills in a game of mini golf in the school holidays.

GOLF SKILLS from Doris Davies on Vimeo.

September 1, 2016

Te Reo

In Te Reo we are learning to ask and answer the question, " E aha ana koe?" (What are you doing?)
We had to find an image of an action, screenshot it and put it onto an Explain Everything slide then write the question and answer.